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Q. How do I add library course reserves lists to my Blackboard class?

How do I add Research Guides or Recommended Databases to my Blackboard class? 

Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2024     Views: 59

Blackboard offers two different methods for adding library reserves lists or research guides to your course content:

  • "LibApps (Automagic)," based on the Blackboard course ID, the libraries create this link for you
  • "LibApps (Single Course)," manually choose the items you would like to add from a list.

Blackboard LibApps content options

Automagic - Blackboard Ultra

For automagic linking to work, you must contact our course reserves service or your subject librarian to add your Blackboard course ID to our reserves lists or guides. 
  • Under Content, Press the Plus icon and choose "Content Market
    Choose the Content area plus sign, then choose Content Market
  • Click the (+) icon for LibApps (Automagic)
    Choos LibApps (Automagic)
  • The tool will be added.
  • Edit it for title, such as "Library Guides" and make it visible to students.
    Click the elipses to edit the content item title and visibility
    Adding custom title and setting visibility for students
  • That's it! When students access the course Content area, they should see any associated guides or course reserves for that class. 
    If there is only a single guide or reserves list, it will open in the content frame. 
    LibApps single content item 
  • If multiple items have been added to the course, you will see a list of options.
    Multiple content items
Content not showing?  Contact us to make sure we have your current semester Blackboard ID in our system metadata. 


Single Course - Blackboard Ultra

  • Under Content, Press the Plus icon and choose "Content Market
    Choose the Content area plus sign, then choose Content Market
  • Click the (+) icon for LibApps (Single Course)
    Choose LibApps (Single Course)
  • The App has been added and now you need to add content to it.  Click the name of the content item.
    Click the name of the item to add content
  • You will be asked what content item you would like to add.  This can be
    • a LibGuide (Research Guide) or single page from a guide
    • a list of library databases from our A-Z list
    • a course reserves list
  • After you have made your selection, click Embed content. 
    Choose the content type to add guide, database list, or reserves list
  • Now you can edit the app for title, such as "Library Guides" and make it visible to students.
    Click the elipses to edit the content item.
    Adding custom title and setting visibility for students
  • That's it! When students access the course Content area, they should see any associated guides or course reserves for that class. 
    If there is only a single guide or reserves list, it will open in the content frame. 
    LibApps single content item 
  • If multiple items have been added to the course, you will see a list of options.
    Multiple content items

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