Q. What is OverDrive?
- All
- 2Academic Integrity
- 3Accessibility
- 2ARKLink
- 2Art
- 2Blackboard
- 12Cache
- 7Campus Services
- 9Citing Your Sources
- 6Computing
- 4Dissertations and Theses
- 11Distance Learning
- 18ebooks
- 1Employment
- 1Events and Exhibits
- 15Find it!
- 15FindbyType
- 1Fine Arts
- 4Holds
- 3Index Arkansas
- 1Instruction
- 13Interlibrary loan
- 27Journal Articles
- 3Laptops
- 20Library Annex
- 8Library catalog
- 43Library Services
- 1Mobile
- 11Mullins Library Renovation
- 13My Library Account
- 20New Faculty
- 24New Graduate Students
- 16New Staff
- 18New Students
- 15Newspapers
- 36Off-Campus
- 25OneSearch
- 4OpenAthens
- 6OverDrive / Libby
- 2Overdue Fines
- 15Permalinks
- 10Policies
- 8Printing
- 4Private Browsing
- 19Privileges
- 9Requesting
- 62Research
- 12Reserves
- 2Software
- 4Special Collections
- 10Study Areas
- 18Technology
- 3Textbooks
- 17Troubleshooting
- 1Tutoring
- 4UARK Logins
- 9University of Arkansas
- 15Video / Audio
- 8Visitors
Answered By: Molly Boyd Last Updated: May 28, 2024 Views: 260
OverDrive is a digital collection of ebooks that includes popular reading, literature, academic, children's literature, and technical content.
Users can access the UARK OverDrive digital library using the Libby app on their phone, tablet, or computer. Users can download Libby on:
- iOS 10+ (get it from the Apple App Store)
- Android 5.0+ (get it on Google Play)
- Fire OS 5+ (get it directly from OverDrive, the developers of Libby--see link below)
Users with a Windows computer, Mac computer, or a Chromebook can use Libby in a web browser at libbyapp.com. We suggest using the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge.
Users can also send borrowed ebooks to Kindle (U.S. only) or download and transfer them to supported ereaders, which include Kobo, Adobe Digital Editions, Nook, Pocketbook, and Tolino. See below link for more information on compatible ereaders.
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