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Q. How do I access OverDrive books?

Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: May 22, 2024     Views: 354

OverDrive on a Computer

Overdrive uses an interface called "Libby." 

  1. Our collection of OverDrive requires that you login with your email address. Click the Sign in with My Card link to log in. 

Overdrive landing page login

  1. Continue with your email address.

    Overdrive email login prompt
  2. Each time you log into OverDrive, you will be sent a six-digit verification code to complete your sign in to your OverDrive Library Card. If you do not receive the verification code email in a few minutes, check your Junk or Spam folders. The message will come from 
    Overdrive security code prompt
  3. Once you are signed in, you will see your OverDrive Library Card with the number of OverDrive books you currently have borrowed or on hold.

Overdrive Library card

You are now ready to start using our OverDrive ebook collection. 

OverDrive Libby App on a Mobile Device

OverDrive offers an app called "Libby" for mobile devices. Libby is available for iOS and Android, with an option for Kindle.

  1. Be sure you have set up your OverDrive Library Card on a computer as described above.
  2. Download the Libby app from your mobile marketplace or from the link below.
  3. Once installed, answer the question Do you have a library card? Yes
  4. Choose the option to Copy from Another Device
  5. On your computer, when logged into your OverDrive library Card, go to settings and Copy to Another Device
  6. Input the 8-digit code into your mobile app. Your device should now display your OverDrive Library Card and any books you have checked out.