Q. How do I renew my checked out items?
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Answered By: Norma Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024 Views: 212
The libraries have instituted an auto-renewal policy where your checked out items will be automatically renewed as long as there are no holds on the item. For most print book items, the loan period is 16 weeks, and two renewals are allowed. NOTE: Some items, including some periodicals and course reserve items, have varying loan periods and are not eligible for automatic renewals. Interlibrary Loan items' loan periods are set by the owning library and in general one renewal is allowed; however, that privilege is at the discretion of the lending library.
Patrons in some special categories (ArkLink members, community borrowers, high school students) may have shorter loan periods and are not eligible for auto-renewals. Please sign in to your library account on OneSearch to make renewals, or contact our Help Desk for assistance.
After the two renewals, if the items are still needed, you will need to return them to the library to be checked in and then checked back out to you.
Please note that loan periods may be adjusted depending on your enrollment in upcoming terms.
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