Q. Room Use Policy
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 Views: 51579
Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 Views: 51579
Large Group Study Rooms
- Capacity
- Rooms 310, 311, 349, and 350 accommodate up to 6 people.
- Rooms 327, 328, 335, 336, 447, 448, 455, and 456 accommodate up to 5 people.
- Equipment
- Each room is equipped with a large display monitor, HDMI connection, dry erase board with markers, and WIFI. There are no computers in the rooms, so patrons must bring their own computer devices to connect to the display monitor.
- Reservations
- Individuals may reserve a room for maximum of 4 hours per day.
- Reservations may be made a maximum of 2 weeks in advance.
- Only current University of Arkansas students, staff, faculty, and other UARK affiliates with current, valid UARK emails will be able to reserve a space.
- Individuals cannot have more than one space reserved at one time.
- Reservations are only valid when the library is open.
- These rooms are not to serve as regular classroom spaces.
- Access
- Rooms are open and unlocked. At the time of your reservation, simply go to your reserved room.
- If you have a reservation for a large group study room and there is a patron or group already in the room, kindly let them know that you have a reservation for the room and ask them to move to a different space in the library. If they refuse to leave the room, please see the Mullins Library Help Desk for assistance.
- Please do not leave your belongings unattended as the Libraries are not responsible for unattended items.
Small Group Study Rooms
- Capacity
- Each room’s maximum occupancy is 4 people.
- Rooms 441A, 441B, 441C, 441D, 441E, 460A, 460B, 460C, 460D, 460E are located on the west side of Level 4.
- Rooms 307 & 308 are located on the east side of Level 3 across from the spiral staircase.
- Equipment
- All small group study rooms have access to WIFI and have dry erase boards.
- Rooms 441A and 460E have a display monitor and HDMI connection. Please bring your own computer to connect to the display monitor.
- Reservations
- Individuals may reserve a room for maximum of 4 hours per day.
- Reservations may be made a maximum of 2 weeks in advance.
- Only current University of Arkansas students, staff, faculty, and other UARK affiliates with current, valid UARK emails will be able to reserve a space.
- Individuals cannot have more than one space reserved at one time.
- Reservations are only valid when the library is open.
- These rooms are not to serve as regular classroom spaces.
- Access
- Rooms are open and unlocked. At the time of your reservation, simply go to your reserved room.
- If you have a reservation for a study room and there is a patron or group already in the room, kindly let them know that you have a reservation for the room and ask them to move to a different space in the library. If they refuse to leave the room, please see the Mullins Library Help Desk for assistance.
- Please do not leave your belongings unattended as the Libraries are not responsible for unattended items.
Instant Theater/Flex-Space Room
- Capacity
- Room 453 accommodates up to 32 people
- Equipment
- The room is equipped with a large computer display, HDMI connection, dry erase board with markers, and WIFI. There are no computers in the rooms, so patrons must bring their own computer devices to connect to the display monitor.
- Reservations
- University or University-affiliated groups (i.e. Registered Student Organizations, university departments, etc.) may reserve the Libraries’ Flex-Space Lecture Rooms for official University purposes only.
- These rooms are not to serve as regular classroom spaces.
- Rooms are not available for private use (i.e. group study sessions) by members of the University community, nor are they available for use by non-University groups.
- Reservation requests must be made 48 hours in advance of reservation date and time.
- Please allow a minimum of 24 hours for a response to your request. Requests submitted after Noon (12 p.m.) on Friday will be responded to the next operating business day.
- Reservations are done through the Library’s room scheduling system and will be mediated by User Services.
Graduate and Faculty Studies
- Capacity: flexible seating for up to 28.
- Room 333 on the west (Union) side of Level 3.
- Access by ID card.
Faculty Carrels
- Capacity: 1
- Read more about faculty carrels through the link below or request a carrel.
Food and Drink in Library Spaces
- Food and drink are allowed in accordance with the Libraries’ Food and Drink Policy (see link below). Patrons are expected to clean up after themselves by throwing away all trash in appropriate trash and recycling receptacles.
- Please report major spills to library staff immediately so we can arrange for the appropriate clean-up.
If you have a library space question or need assistance, please email libspace@uark.edu.
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