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Q. Faculty Carrel Policy

Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025     Views: 1900

About Faculty Carrels

The University Libraries offer twenty faculty carrels available for use on the 3rd floor of Mullins Library. These carrels are designed to facilitate and provide a quiet atmosphere for research and study. Carrels are not to serve as faculty offices, and the holding of office hours or meetings in carrels is strictly prohibited. Due to their limited numbers, carrels are only available to University of Arkansas faculty, including retired/emeritus faculty, with preference given to currently employed faculty. 

All faculty carrels are furnished with a desk, chair, bookcase, and wireless internet access. Any University of Arkansas faculty member may apply for a carrel using our online application form. The application opens each August on the first day of classes of the new academic year and closes April 30th. All carrel loan periods end August 1st no matter the start of the loan period. (Example loan: Aug. 22, 2022 - Aug. 1, 2023). Faculty carrels cannot be renewed and faculty must apply for a new carrel each year. A waiting list will be maintained if no faculty carrels are available at the time of application.

*Please note that due to Mullins Library's upcoming second phase renovation, only 10 of our 20 faculty carrels will be available for assignment beginning Fall 2022. This renovation is anticipated to conclude Fall 2024.*


  • Faculty must submit a Faculty Carrel Room Application Form (see link below). Carrels will be assigned on a first come/first-served basis.
  • The Director of User Services maintains the database of applicants and makes assignments as carrels become available.
  • Faculty assigned carrels will be notified via email; assignees must pick up their key in person at the Mullins Library Help Desk.
  • Faculty must remove all belongings and return the key to the Help Desk by the due date. Any faculty who does not return their key by their designated due date may be subjected to a fine and/or have their library privileges blocked until it is returned.

Guidelines For Use

  • Faculty carrels are available for use during all hours Mullins Library is open.
  • For security, carrel room keys may not be duplicated. There is a $100.00 charge for non-returned/lost keys.
  • Library furniture from other locations may not be moved into faculty carrels.
  • Library materials kept in carrels must be checked out to the faculty member. Library staff regularly monitor carrels and will remove any library materials not properly checked out. Library materials located in carrels are treated the same as materials taken to the faculty member’s home or office; that is, they are subject to overdue notices, renewal limits, and other library policies.
  • Assignees are allowed food and drink in accordance with the Libraries’ Food and Drink policy. Each assignee is responsible for keeping their carrel clean; housekeeping staff do not enter carrels to remove trash or to clean surfaces or carpet.  Please notify library staff of significant spills on the carpet, so that they can be cleaned appropriately. 
  • Personal appliances are strictly prohibited.
  • Carrels are not soundproof. Please be considerate of other library patrons.
  • Lights should be turned off and doors securely locked when leaving the carrel.
  • Assignees should not leave valuables or personal belongings that may be stolen or damaged; the security of the carrels cannot be guaranteed.
  • Repeat violations of guidelines may result in revocation of a carrel.