Q. Proxy Borrower Policy
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024 Views: 38
Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024 Views: 38
University of Arkansas faculty, staff, and graduate students with valid University of Arkansas Libraries privileges may request to sponsor a proxy to pick up items on their behalf. Up to two people may be selected to act as proxies. Exceptions will be considered for other active borrowers with unusual circumstances or a documented need for accommodation.
To be eligible to serve as a proxy
- The Proxy Sponsor should trust the proxy to act on the sponsor’s behalf.
- To act as a proxy, affiliation with the University of Arkansas or library privileges are not required.
- The proxy should be 18 or older and have a valid photo ID.
Proxy Sponsor Responsibilities
- The Proxy Sponsor must use the library catalog hold request feature or submit Inter-Library Loan requests to obtain all items for proxy pickup.
- The Proxy Sponsor is responsible for all materials borrowed and overdue fines and charges incurred through Proxies.
- The Proxy Sponsor should monitor the inventory of items checked out and work with Proxies to ensure timely return and renewal of library materials.
- Overdue, Recall, Notice of Fine or Fee, and Statement of Fines and Fees notices for items picked up by Proxies are sent to the Proxy Sponsor.
Where Accepted?
- The Proxy service is available at all University of Arkansas libraries.
Privileges Granted
- Proxy-only patrons (proxy borrowers with without affiliation with the university) will be allowed to pick up Hold Requests and Interlibrary Loan Materials for their proxy sponsor. Proxy-only patrons will not be granted any other library privileges.
- Affiliated proxy designees will keep their regular library privileges and will now be able to collect materials on behalf of their proxy sponsors.
Proxy Responsibilities
- Proxies will agree to use the Proxy Service on behalf of the Proxy Sponsor and not for personal use.
- Proxy users must present one of the following each time they pick up items: a current University of Arkansas ID, a valid government-issued photo ID, or a Proxy ID card issued by the University of Arkansas Libraries
Duration of Proxy Privileges
- Proxy Privileges will expire on June 1st of each year.
- Proxy Sponsors must reapply each year to continue with the Proxy service.
- Proxy Sponsor may change Proxy by submitting a new Proxy Sponsor form and withdrawing Proxy privileges by emailing libpriv@uark.edu (Please remember that you are responsible for all items picked up by your Proxy, even if you withdraw their Proxy privileges. You are limited to no more than two Proxies at one time).
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