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Q. How can I export records from OneSearch?

I would like to send OneSearch records to a citation manager or to an Excel file.

Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Aug 05, 2024     Views: 46

OneSearch allows you to export records in a variety of formats, including BibTex and RIS for citation managers. 

To export a single record

Search for the record(s) you wish to export.

In the brief results display

  1. Click the ellipses (three dots) to show export options. 
    OneSearch brief results, click ellipses for export options
  2. Choose the export format
    Export to EndNote from OneSearch
  3. Depending on the format chosen you will be prompted to check your email, download a file, or login to EndNote to import the record. 

In the full record display

  1. Under the Send to section, choose your export option
    Export to EndNote from full OneSearch display
  2. Depending on the format chosen you will be prompted to check your email, download a file, or login to EndNote to import the record. 

To Export Multiple Records

  1. Sign in to your library account first if you plan to export a large number of records. 
  2. Search for the record(s) you wish to export.
  3. Check boxes next the records you wish to export.
  4. You will see at the top of the page several options
    1. Export selected records
    2. Export the the fist 50 records
    3. New Export up to 5000 records

For selected or top 50 records

  1. Click the ellipses (three dots)
    Export options in OneSearch
  2. And then choose your export options.
    Export multiple records from OneSearch
  3. Depending on the format chosen you will be prompted to check your email, download a file, or login to EndNote to import the record. 

New! To Export up to 5000 records

  1. Log into your library account if you are not already logged in.
  2. Conduct a search; when viewing search results, select at least one record for export.
  3. Click the option to  EXPORT ALL RECORDS.
    Export all records option in OneSearch
  4. Choose the options for file format and encoding, For EndNote or Zotero, options should be RIS file format and UTF-8 encoding.
    Choose file format RIS and encoding UTF-8
  5. Enter your email address and any notes and click Send
  6. You should receive an email from with your file of records attached.
    Be patient; large files can take several minutes to export.



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