Q. What are the fines for overdue items?
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: Jun 20, 2024 Views: 96
Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2024 Views: 96
Type of Fee | Description | Fine Amount | Grace Period | Maximum Fine | When Billed | Eligible for Refund? |
Overdue fines - hourly loans | Only applied to short-term loans, high-use items such as course reserves | $3.00 per hour | 1 hour | $30.00 | when item is returned or at the end of 30 days | No |
Overdue fines - daily loans | Only applied to short-term loans, high-use items such as course reserves | $3.00 per day | 1 day | $30.00 | when item is returned or at the end of 30 days | No |
Lost items - students and staff | Items more than 30 days late | Replacement cost varies; default is $150 | None | Replacement cost | 30 days overdue | Patrons may bring the item back up to 365 days after billing for a refund |
Lost items - faculty | items more than 60 days late | Replacement cost varies; default is $150 | None | Replacement cost | 60 days overdue | Patrons may bring the item back up to 365 days after billing for a refund |
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