Q. When I click on an article that is in Nexis Uni, I am taken to a search screen, not the article?
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: Jun 06, 2024 Views: 141
Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Jun 06, 2024 Views: 141
Nexis Uni is not always able to accept incoming links directly to an article. Instead, Nexis Uni will sometimes take you to a search page that contains the title of the journal or periodical pre-selected and the option to search for the article inside that title.
Example: when you find a link found in OneSearch for an article in Nexis Uni, be sure to note the article date.
Clicking through to Nexis Uni shows a search screen for articles in that journal.
That should retrieve the article you seek. Note that in some cases, the brief results in Nexis Uni does not show the periodical or journal title but rather a topic collection.
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Can this search be changed?by Pereira on Jan 12, 2023