Q. Computer Use Policy
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: Jun 06, 2024 Views: 184
The University of Arkansas Libraries support the University's mission of teaching and research, and remind library users that the computers of the University Libraries are made available to support these academic functions. The following policy applies to the use of computing equipment within the Libraries and supplements the University's Code of Computing Practices (see link below).
Use of the Libraries' computing resources is a privilege that depends on patrons using these resources in compliance with the policies of the University and the Libraries, and with all applicable laws governing privacy and usage.
Priority in Use of Computing Work Stations
- In University Libraries and general-access computer labs, priority shall be given to users engaged in activities directly related to the University's mission (e.g., completing course assignments or engaging in research). Use of the Libraries' computing resources for academic pursuits takes precedence over non-academic use (e.g., recreational e-mail, Internet surfing, chat, or games).
- Use of the University Libraries' computer workstations for non-academic work is not permitted when others are waiting to use the equipment. Therefore, the staff of the Libraries may ask you to limit or curtail non-academic usage during peak hours or periods of heavy demand.
- The Libraries strive to serve all patrons in a courteous, equitable manner. However, when the demand by the faculty, staff, and students of the University—its primary clientele—for computers in the Libraries exceeds the supply, the Libraries reserve the right to ask non-affiliated patrons to relinquish the use of a workstation.
- Access to computers is limited to individuals who are 16 or older. Verification of age may be required.
- Guest access to computers is not provided after midnight.
In the event of individual non-compliance with these or any of the Code of Computing Practices, University Libraries' staff may:
- formally or informally discuss the matter with the offending party,
- temporarily revoke or suspend access privileges, or
- refer the matter to the appropriate disciplinary authority.
Any violation of this code is misconduct for purposes of the student code of conduct, the law student code of conduct, and University personnel policies and may be punished accordingly. Any offense that violates local, state, or federal laws may result in the immediate loss of all University computing and network privileges and may be referred to the appropriate University disciplinary authority and/or law enforcement agencies.
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