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Q. How do I find subject specific databases for my topic?

Answered By: Norma
Last Updated: Oct 21, 2024     Views: 10002

From the libraries home page:, use the drop down menu to the left of the search box on the main part of the page to select Databases.

Then click on Databases by Title and Subject, just below the search box, which takes you to an A to Z list of all of our databases.

Click the drop-down menu titled "Subjects," which expands and allows you to review various subject areas to see which databases might be most relevant to your research topic. NOTE: Think of your subject in broad terms.  For example, topics such as gun control or legalization of marijuana might be discussed in databases under Criminal Justice or Political Science.

Once you have done a search, or looked at one subject area, use the Clear Filters/Browse All Databases button to search for another topic area.