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Q. I am a student at the Clinton School of Public Service, but am having trouble getting to library resources. Can you help?

Answered By: Norma
Last Updated: Jun 04, 2024     Views: 286

Students at the Clinton School of Public Service (CSPS) can be cross-registered with the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (UARK), allowing them access to library resources. CSPS students must first activate your UARK email address by going to the New User Page for our campus. Note: You will need your university ID number to activate your account. 

Once you have activated your UARK username and password, you should be able to get into our electronic databases and journals remotely. If you can't get access, contact the Fulbright College office at 479-575-4801 or

For questions regarding activating your UARK account, please contact the UA-ITS help desk.

For questions regarding your university ID number, please contact the Graduate School admissions office at