Q. How do I find video?
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: Jul 05, 2024 Views: 724
You can find video recordings and some streaming video titles in OneSearch. From the Libraries' homepage, click the box "Limit Results To: Videos" beneath the OneSearch search box, then enter your search term. "Videos" is also a Material Type limit that you can choose from the OneSearch search results page.
For more precise retrieval, search the Advanced OneSearch with author name, title, or subject, and then limit to material type Video/ Film.
You will need to search and browse our streaming video databases to thoroughly search our available streaming video collection.
Note that most DVDs, CDs, and older analog media (vinyl, cassette, and VHS tapes) are now located in the Library Annex. See our instructions for requesting materials from the Library Annex through the link below.
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