Q. I am visiting the library and would like to look at materials from the Library Annex. How do I do that if I am not affiliated with the UofA?
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Answered By: Norma Last Updated: May 21, 2024 Views: 339
Visitors are always welcome at the University Libraries and to use our materials on site. Since many of our materials are located in the Library Annex, we recommend searching OneSearch before you visit to ensure the resources you want to use are located in one of the central campus libraries, or so that you can put in a request for materials from the Library Annex so they will be on hand when you arrive. To place a request for materials from the Annex (before your visit) or to check on the availability of any Libraries’ materials, please call or email User Services at 479-575-4104 or circserv@uark.edu.
Same-day requests are generally available Monday - Thursday, Requests must be placed before 12:00pm for same-day use.
Items requested after 12pm Friday - Sunday will be delivered on Monday. There are no deliveries on Saturdays, Sundays, or during University holidays.
When you are here in the library, please make your request by coming to the Help desk at Mullins Library.
To use materials from our Special Collections, please schedule a research appointment (see link below) to learn more about scheduling a visit and requesting these collections.
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