Q. How do I find theses and dissertations?
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Answered By: Sherryl Faulkner-Robinson Last Updated: Jun 06, 2024 Views: 1729
Answered By: Sherryl Faulkner-Robinson
Last Updated: Jun 06, 2024 Views: 1729
U of A Theses and Dissertations
- ScholarWorks is the institutional repository for full text of U of A theses and dissertations, including undergraduate honors theses.
- Search for U of A theses and dissertations in OneSearch by keyword, author, title, and subject. Be sure to limit to Material Type = Dissertations and Theses.
There are special notes added for academic department and faculty advisor.- add the phrase "advisor [advisor name]" to limit your search to certain thesis advisors
- example "advisor parry"
- add the phrase "dept [department]" to limit your search to theses in a certain department.
- example: "dept political science"
- add the phrase "advisor [advisor name]" to limit your search to certain thesis advisors
- Use our special UA Theses and Dissertations Search box
Theses and Dissertations Worldwide
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global provides worldwide coverage.
- WorldCat and the Center for Research Libraries can help you locate more obscure international theses.
For More Information
- Visit our research guide on theses and dissertations
Links & Files
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