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Q. How do I borrow materials?

What do I need to check out books? 

Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Aug 07, 2024     Views: 222

  • Your University ID card is your library card. While we prefer a University ID to check materials out, it is not required. The Libraries will accept any form of physical photo identification to check out our materials in person.
  • You can log into My Library Account any time to view current checkouts or holds and to renew items. Use your UARK email and password to log into your library account. 
  • Students, faculty and staff may check out most books in the Main (Mullins) collection for 16 weeks. Read more about loan periods through the link below.
  • With the ARKLink card, students at other Arkansas colleges and universities may obtain borrowing privileges at the University of Arkansas Libraries.