Q. How do I find articles in journals or magazines?
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Answered By: Sherryl Faulkner-Robinson Last Updated: Jul 05, 2024 Views: 5644
Answered By: Sherryl Faulkner-Robinson
Last Updated: Jul 05, 2024 Views: 5644
- Need just a few articles? Try OneSearch for results across thousands of journals, magazines, and newspapers.
- Need a more comprehensive search? The Libraries have hundreds of subject databases that index articles in journals and magazines as well as providing some full text.
- Need "scholarly" or "refereed" or "academic" articles? Many databases have a filter or checkbox to limit your search to articles in scholarly journals, rather than popular magazines.
- Have a citation to a specific article? Try our Article Finder if you have a citation or a DOI in hand.
- Still no luck finding your article? You can request articles from other libraries with our ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service.
Links & Files
- OneSearch Opens in new window
- OneSearch Overview instructional video Opens in new window
- Subject Databases Opens in new window
- Article Finder Opens in new window
- Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) Opens in new window
- Video: Differences Between a Magazine and a Scholarly Journal Opens in new window
- What is the difference between a scholarly and popular article? Opens in new window
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