Q. Can I bring in a replacement book for the book I lost or damaged?
I have been billed for a book but do not want to pay the large fine. May I bring in a book to replace the one I lost/damaged?
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Answered By: Norma Last Updated: Aug 16, 2023 Views: 525
Answered By: Norma
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2023 Views: 525
Yes! We will gladly take a copy of the exact book to cover the replacement fee. The book may still be subject to a fine of up to $15 as an overdue/processing charge. Here are the guidelines:
- Must match the item lost (exception: replacement copy can be a newer edition of the same item)
- Can be a used copy, but must be in "very good," "excellent," or "like new" condition
- Must be free of highlighting or other writing
- Cannot be a former library copy
Search the Library Catalog (OneSearch) if you need the specifics including the date, publisher, or the ISBN.
If you are unsure if a specific copy meets the requirements above, please check with one of the User Services Supervisors or with the User Services Manager before purchasing a particular copy.
User Services Operations Manager: Matthew Kelly
- 479-575-2440
- mekelly@uark.edu
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