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Q. How can I find a scholarly journal article and a popular magazine article on the same topic?

Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024     Views: 480

A good place to start is OneSearch, ProQuest Central, or EBSCO Academic Search Complete. These databases index a mix of popular magazines and scholarly journals; many articles are full-text in the databases.

In these databases, you can limit your search to scholarly or peer-reviewed journals. If you choose the scholarly limit, your will omit articles from more popular magazines such as Time or People.

Once you have input a search and have a list of articles, you may also have the option to limit your results to show only magazine, popular, or trade publications to omit articles from scholarly journals. .

Options for limiting to scholarly and popular articles in OneSearch, EBSCO, and ProQuest


Need help distinguishing a peer-reviewed journal from a popular or trade publication? See our FAQ on scholarly and popular articles (linked below).

Keep in mind: "peer-reviewed" is a label applied to the entire journal. Even a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal might contain some articles, such as editorials or news columns, that have not been through a rigorous peer-review process. 

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