Q. How can I use Find it! With PubMed?
- All
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: May 28, 2024 Views: 219
PubMed, the National Library of Medicine's gateway to MEDLINE and other resources, can link to Find it! in two ways.
The easiest method is to access PubMed from our database search (linked below).
You can also create a personal account on PubMed through the My NCBI tool. My NCBI allows you to save searches and receive alerts of new publications in your field. After creating a personal account on My NCBI, you will receive an email confirmation. Thereafter, you can sign into My NCBI and set your Outside Tool to be University of Arkansas Libraries. For detailed instructions on how to create your NCBI account, see the FAQ linked below. For detailed instructions on setting up the Outside Tool, see the PubMed help page linked below.
Find it! links will appear on the detailed / abstracts view in PubMed.
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