Q. Can you scan journal articles or books for me?
I can't make it to the library but need something from one of your print items.
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: May 10, 2024 Views: 674
Use our RazorRush document delivery service to request scans of print journal articles or chapters in items held by the Libraries.
In an item record in OneSearch, look for the links "Request a chapter scan" for books or "Request an article scan" for journals. Click the link, log into your Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) account, and specify the pages and date of the item you need.
Remember, you will need to Sign In to your library account to see the Request buttons.
Course Reserves
Check the Course Reserves lists by professor or class (see link below).
About RazorRush
RazorRush is a service that can help you manage your study time more effectively. Upon request, library staff will retrieve, scan and electronically deliver articles from print periodicals in the collection of the University of Arkansas Libraries. This service is available to all University of Arkansas students, faculty and staff.
About ILLiad
Your ILLiad account allows you to request books and articles from other libraries as well as requesting scans of items owned by the University Libraries. Check out the short video below for instructions on creating your ILLiad account.
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Comments (1)
Is there a cost for this service? How much does it charge by page or chapter? For University of Arkansas faculty, staff, and students, there is generally no charge for this service.by Elizabeth on Oct 17, 2021