Q. Where is the lost and found for the libraries?
- All
- 2Academic Integrity
- 3Accessibility
- 2ARKLink
- 2Art
- 2Blackboard
- 12Cache
- 7Campus Services
- 8Citing Your Sources
- 6Computing
- 4Dissertations and Theses
- 11Distance Learning
- 18ebooks
- 1Employment
- 1Events and Exhibits
- 15Find it!
- 15FindbyType
- 1Fine Arts
- 4Holds
- 3Index Arkansas
- 1Instruction
- 10Interlibrary loan
- 27Journal Articles
- 3Laptops
- 20Library Annex
- 8Library catalog
- 44Library Services
- 1Mobile
- 9Mullins Library Renewal
- 7Multimedia
- 13My Library Account
- 19New Faculty
- 24New Graduate Students
- 16New Staff
- 18New Students
- 14Newspapers
- 36Off-Campus
- 23OneSearch
- 4OpenAthens
- 6OverDrive / Libby
- 2Overdue Fines
- 15Permalinks
- 10Policies
- 8Printing
- 4Private Browsing
- 19Privileges
- 9Requesting
- 62Research
- 12Reserves
- 2Software
- 4Special Collections
- 10Study Areas
- 22Technology
- 3Textbooks
- 17Troubleshooting
- 1Tutoring
- 4UARK Logins
- 9University of Arkansas
- 20Video / Audio
- 8Visitors
Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: Jan 08, 2025 Views: 206
Items found in Mullins Library are held at the Mullins Help Desk for two weeks. Mullins Help Desk: 479-575-4104.
After two weeks, unclaimed lost and found items are turned over to the University Lost and Found: (479-575-4494) where they will be held for 60 days before final disposal.
Lost and found university IDs will be sent to the University ID Office immediately.
Items found in the Chemistry and Biochemistry or Physics branch libraries that are not immediately claimed may be sent to Mullins Library, where they are also held for two weeks.
You may also report lost items to lost@uark.edu.
Please report any suspected thefts to the Mullins Help Desk as soon as possible so that the police may be called.
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