Q. Find it! says there is no full text found. Does that mean you don't have the item I need?
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Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: May 22, 2024 Views: 248
Sometimes the information sent to Find it! is not sufficient to locate your article. The Libraries may still have what you need.
Check OneSearch (see link below) under the name of the journal or book (not article title or book chapter title). There is a chance the Libraries will have the material you need in print or even in online format.
If your citation is a complicated one, such as a conference paper or thesis, you may wish to check with a librarian before assuming we do not have the item.
If, after checking the library catalog you still cannot locate the publication you seek, you may request the item on Interlibrary Loan (see link below). There are links to ILL forms from the Find it! page.
There's also a link to provide feedback on every OneSearch page. Please let us know if Find it! is not working properly for you.
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