Q. I am no longer registered for classes but need to finish up a project. How can I apply for continuing library privileges?
I need to complete my dissertation but am no longer registered for dissertation hours.
I am not registered for classes right now. Do I still have library privileges?
- All
- 2Academic Integrity
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- 8Visitors
Answered By: Beth Juhl Last Updated: May 23, 2024 Views: 426
Your library checkout privilege will expire shortly after your last semester of enrollment. Your remote access to library databases, ebooks, and ejournals will expire with your uark.edu account.
To be eligible for library privileges and retain remote access to library resources, students must be enrolled in at least one hour of credit or be pre-registered for the following semester.
If you need to retain library privileges for a short time while you complete theses or other academic requirements, you can ask your college or the Graduate School to grant you "Affiliate" status in the UAConnect student information system. Extensions and length of time granted are determined by academic departments, colleges, and the Graduate School, not by the library.
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