Q. Food and Drink Policy
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Answered By: Norma Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024 Views: 1078
The University Libraries strive to provide all patrons with a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment. University Libraries have crafted a food and drink policy based on mutual respect with the goal to balance our patrons’ comfort and our need to ensure the Libraries’ materials, equipment, and facilities are protected.
No Food or Drink
- Special Collections (3rd floor)
Food or Covered Drinks May be Allowed
- library instruction and seminar rooms may allow food or drink at the discretion of individual instructors. Please check with your instructor when in those spaces.
Food and Covered Drinks are Allowed
- elsewhere in Mullins Library within the following guidelines:
- Patrons clean up after themselves by throwing away all trash in appropriate trash and recycling receptacles. Report major spills to library staff immediately, so we can arrange for the appropriate clean-up.
- Be respectful. Aromatic, messy, or noisy food is not permitted where it interferes with others' use of the library.
- Food parties and large group meals are not allowed except in relation to library-sponsored events.
- Leave library resources, furnishings, and equipment as you found them--or in better condition than you found them.
- Alcohol, vaping (e-cigarettes) and tobacco products are not allowed.
- Unattended food and drink may be removed and discarded.
- Library staff reserves the right to ask anyone who disregards the above conditions to remove the food or drink from the buildings immediately or to leave the library.
Branch libraries may establish food and drink policies appropriate to their facilities, resources, and clientele. Please check for local policies.
By complying with these policies, patrons and staff will help maintain a clean work environment, pest-free buildings, and aid in the preservation of our collections for future generations, while enjoying some food and drink in many areas of the libraries.
Complaints will be handled by library staff in accordance with the University Libraries’ Library Use Agreement.
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