Q. Does the library have my textbook?
I'm looking for a book for my class. Can you help me?
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Answered By: Norma Last Updated: Aug 08, 2024 Views: 1150
Maybe. Here are the places to check:
- Check the OneSearch under the author or title of the book.
- Check the Course Reserves lists by professor or class.
- Still not finding it? Ask Us to be sure.
As a rule, the Libraries do not automatically purchase the textbooks assigned each semester. Books on the current semester textbook list are generally not available through Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad).
The University Bookstore provides textbooks for purchase or rental. Search their inventory at the link below.
The Campus Bookstore on Dickson is not associated with the university but provides textbooks for many university classes. Search their inventory using the link below.
If you would like the Libraries to consider adding a specific textbook, please reach out to your instructor about placing your textbook on reserve for student use. Faculty, please send your request to Course Reserves at reserves@uark.edu, and submit your reserves list using the form linked below.
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