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Q. I am a researcher in the Agri Park off Garland. Why must I login to access library materials?

Answered By: Beth Juhl
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2024     Views: 43

Buildings at the Division of Agriculture "farm" off Garland Avenue, including FDSC, ALTH, ASTC, and BAEL, have moved to a new range of internet or IP addresses. Library vendors do not have these addresses on file as forming part of the University of Arkansas campus and therefore ask you to login as if you were "off-campus." Because these addresses are shared with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, we cannot isolate those users who are part of the UAF community. 

If you are planning to conduct research, you might log into the campus VPN (Virtual Private Network) to get an "on-campus" IP address. 

More about VPN in the links below. 

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